Friday, June 11, 2010

And Now.... On To The Real World!

Hi friends,

As you may know by now, my son had his high school graduation yesterday. I never thought we'd get there on certain occasions!

He wasn't one to like schoolwork. Nor getting up in the morning or really, anything about school... it was a tough 12 yrs. for both of us! Me fighting with him to do the right things, him getting annoyed with me for trying all of the time.

But yesterday, something changed in my son. He told me he'd actually miss his school. I was surprised to hear that! He said to me, "not the schoolwork mom, but the people in it." He had formed a bond and memories that would last a lifetime. I was proud that I could give that to him. A sense of "belonging."

You see, he is the last graduating class that will ever walk through the halls of his school. They are closing at the end of June. The Archdiocese decided that enrollment was too low and they can't keep the school open any longer. Our Catholic schools are dwindling fast.

On the other hand.. who can afford them? The monthly payments were more than my mortgage! At times, I didn't know HOW we'd make it financially. But it was so important to me that he finish his 4 yrs. at North Catholic for Boys. And we BOTH made it. :-)

Seeing him walk down the aisle to receive that cherished diploma was one of the best moments of my life. I cried tears of joy, tears of fear of what lie ahead for him in life, tears, tears, tears altogether. My little boy has become a man and the pride I hold in my heart for him is unrivaled.

They grow so fast. He is my little boy in my heart and will be forever. Being a mom is the best gift I've ever received.

~Blessings my friends..... cherish the simple things. They are all around us!


  1. Congratulations to you and your son! You must be so proud :)

  2. This is the moment when you both can shine brightly. It goes to show that hard work pays off in the end. Congrats! and great job on raising a fine young man.

    Many blessings


    Have a great weekend

  3. I have a daughter who also graduated this year. It is truly amazing how each day of struggles with friends, difficult practices, and amazing victories add up so quickly into weeks, months, years and more than a decade!

  4. Wendy they grow up all too quick even when we do not expect they surprize us with what we have tried to tell them LOL........Mine have all been gone from home far too long. I remember going through all of this with the last one he was the same as your son.
    Here's to a wonderful future for him!!!
    The Rusty thimble

  5. happy graduation!!! you are such a doll and I love!!!!! your hair.;)

  6. Thanks everyone for commenting! Thanks Gina! I can't stand it, it never does what I want it to do.

  7. Cherish the moments, this is a special one indeed , for both you and your son, congratulations.

  8. Your sacrifices to give your son a North Catholic education are & will be worth much, much more than the monetary price you paid.

  9. Congratulations to your son (and you!)

    We raised 3 sons and I feel your pain, your pride, your joy and love....nothing like it!
    Hugs, Karen

  10. So true Gakski! So true! I'd do it all over again if I had to.

    Thanks Karen! There is nothing like it in the whole world!


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