Happy Sunday to ya!
I've been horrible with blogging lately. With the new kitty and work and stuff goin' on... I just haven't had the time. Or, MADE the time I guess. But I'm back. With lots of pictures to share!
Le Le is getting so big. I've had her over two weeks and she's grown so much! What a pleasure it is, to have a cat in the house again! I lost my last cat about 10 months ago after a 19 year relationship. It was so difficult and I was sure I would never do it again, for fear of the attachment and the eventual loss... but this little sweetie has proven me wrong! I just love her! She'll be going for her shots this week. :-)
As for work, I have some new dollies to share...

They are all currently on eBay and you can find them HERE!
I'll be visiting dad for a bit today. Other than that, a nice roasted chicken w/ stuffing and gravy is on the menu for dinner. Mmmm. You can't beat the smell coming from the oven!
It's cooled down a bit here. Hopefully, we'll be seeing the last of that horrendous heat! I'm ready for Fall now. For the crisp air, pumpkins and colorful leaves!
Have a restful Sunday! I promise not to take too long in between postings next time!
Blessings to all of you!