Hi friends!
I thought I'd take this time to share some of the things that make me smile! I hope you will share your special things too!
The first photo is the love of my life... my son. He just turned 18. He is the kindest, gentlest, most loving human being and he makes my heart burst with joy. He is my inspiration, my heart, my life. :-) All I've done in the past 18 years has been for him and I wouldn't change a thing.

The second photo is my sweet li'l doggy, Buddy. He's 8 and he's half Shepherd, half Shar-pei. His kisses and his loyalty can't be beat. Whenever I'm down he puts a smile on my face.
And a little list of some other things that give me joy include:
Watching the birds at the feeder/bath. I get such joy from this. I love when they splash around with their feathers fluffed out!
Kittens and Cats. I'm a big cat lover! I just lost both of my cats within the past year. One was 19! I miss them so much. I definitely see more cats in my future.
My family. I have a very large extended family. I've lost count but there are probably about 75 of us?! My immediate family includes 1 brother.
My work. If I couldn't create I don't know what I'd do. I'd crumble up and die. I must be busy creating at all times. These hands were meant for it! Sometimes it's hard to shut off my brain.. there is so much I want to accomplish.
My eBay customers and followers on Facebook. Wow, you are all awesome! I wouldn't be here doing what I'm doing without all of you. You inspire me to be better each day.. to be more creative and you make my heart smile with all of your lovely words and encouragement! I really love all of you!
My garden.... Oh how I love to dig my hands into dirt! Especially for the first time of the season! I love raising little seeds into beautiful flowers.
Here's a good one! When I was a little girl, a box of Crayola crayons made me so happy! I still love the smell of a fresh box today! My crayons were like gold to me!
and nature... the simplicity, the beauty, the wonder of it all... It astounds me each and every day.
Other things that make me happy are: A simple cup of coffee, a hug, a kind word, doing good deeds for others and yes.... Archie Bunker. All in the Family has to be my favorite t.v. show of all time.
So... you know a little more about me now. Share what makes you happy! I'd love to read it!